Thank You for Joining us to Promote Africa’s Energy to the World

The resounding message from the Africa Energies Summit delegations that joined us from 36 countries is that exploration is back and Africa is open for business.

Africa Energies Summit Thank you note

An incredible 90 speakers spoke on opportunities covering the full spectrum of topics relevant to Africa’s oil & energy industry from upstream investment, E&P hotspots, 2023 licensing rounds and open negotiations, government promotion, renewable energy projects and opportunities and more. Also, I am pleased to report that 54% more women were in attendance than in 2022 and 100% of delegates said they would recommend the Summit to others. Save the date for our 2024 edition; 14th - 16th May 2024.

I would like to express a sincere thank you to the 15 government delegations made up of ministries, regulators and NOCs that travelled great distances to engage with the industry in London and to the individuals who went over and above to assist them. Your commitment to promoting in-country opportunities was clear to see and Frontier looks forward to supporting your efforts to reach and engage with international investors in the coming year through our on-going government promotional services.

To our Sponsors & Partners, you make this possible and your ideas, input, goodwill, and the longevity of your support makes this all possible. We are already in discussions for 2024, so don’t wait to discover how you can work with us to raise your profile within our unrivalled audience of African oil & energy industry leaders.

As always, the real reason people come back to the Africa Energies Summit is for the people and connections that are made here, at the very highest level. This is our differentiator; we bring a concentrated and significant gathering of C-level decision-makers together to turn the dial on investment on the Continent.

Optimism for Africa is in the air and the oil & energy opportunities that abound. I wish you all luck in your endeavours and it is a privilege and an honour to be a part of your journey.

À bientôt!

Gayle Meikle
CEO - Frontier


World Energies Summit - Exploring Partnership and Exhibition Opportunities


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